Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shouldn't forget to blog....

Did I mention TV these days sucks? 

So while the race itself was good I ended up disappointed because Tony did not win.  They just made the wrong call.  It would have been a great call had it not been for the caution that came two laps after the pit stop.

Someone said Tony's mastered the drop like a rock on the last restart this year.  I hope it doesn't turn in to that type of year. 

Only a month until the Fontana race.  I'm excited.  There will be so much to do. 

Hopefully I can get prioritized tomorrow at work.  I'm not overwhelmed by any means but there's this one project that is just new to everyone so we're all struggling and I'm concerned I'm going to fail miserably at it.  Hopefully not.  Having medina two times a week just to get it done.  Hopefully we can.  Then there's just regular old monthly stuff.  But that I can handle.  We'll see how this month goes.  Got to get back to the gym too.

I'm paying for it so I might as well go. 

Anyhoot.  That's all folks.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I didn't post last night..

I was tired.  I got home and just went to bed.

I've got to clean out my netflix queue and send back my most recent movie.  Today I have to run to the store and then clean up after the kitties.  Fun stuff.  Also plan on getting the nationwide race in sometime.

I had a dream about Pamala, Stefan, Cameron and Jennifer last night.  Pam was tring to move desks at work because she had been told she was going to.  Then she was told by Stefan that they couldn't because they had to save money.  So she freaked out.  Then we figured out the had ipod docking stations at each desk that really were meant to hack in to users personal accounts like emails and whatnot.  Then I woke up. 

I'm falling back asleep doing this so I'm going to get more rest.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Erase, erase, erase..

If you know what that title is all about then you rock!

Otherwise, not much to talk about today.  I stayed home from work.  Got too much sun, did too much yesterday and did not eat nor drink enough.  So I woke up all sick.  Now if only I could get this whole not burping thing to settle down I'd be much happier.

So I'll be going in to work tomorrow because I've recovered. 

They say this storm that's coming is supposed to be real cold.  Like snow at 1000ft.  That would be cool.  It is higher than our elevation here.  So it's just going to be 43 and COLD!!!

So yesterday I found out that Auto Club Speedway changed their drink partner from Pepsi to Coke.  With that comes the Coke Track Walk at 9am the day of the race.  That will be fun.  I'm looking forward to that. 

Anyhoot.  That's it for today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Long Day

I'm glad I went though.  I needed a day off really.

So today I headed down to LA Live to see Trevor Bayne.  He was a cool guy.  Very intelligent and has a wicked smile.  He stayed and signed autographs afterward too so I got one.  I took the train out there and getting to Union Station and back from Union Station is nothing, but riding the metro trains in an experience.  Makes you wanna work down there.  At least there's always something going on.

So today I was just purusing Twitter and there are a few journalists still arguing about cheering in the press box.  To this I say "GET OVER IT."  There are some high and mighty people out there.

Otherwise, I did get to ask Trevor about God and what he would say to the nay sayers in the crowd and he said that he just doesn't believe that God had nothing to do with it.  That he knows God gave him the opportunities he's taken and guided him along the right path.  Very smart kid and very smart answer.

In other news.  Mickey's team got fined for the spoiler falling off on the last lap of the truck race at Daytona.  Some say he should lose the win.  I still understand why they don't take it away, it makes for some serious messes when it comes to everything.  But they were right to fine him.  I found out that Nascar does not issue the truck teams the spoilers.  They approve them, but they are built by the team.  Therefore Nascar cannot be held accountable for a parts malfunction and the team must be.  They had to have done something wrong in order for it to break as it did.  So the penalty is warranted.

I wondered out loud if this had happened with 10 or 20 to go in the race what Nascar would have done.  The consensus is that Mickey would have been black flagged.  So they would have made him fix it because there's a clear aerodynamic advantage to having no spoiler.  So I also then wondered if the team had rigged it to be that way.  I thought that it would have been a brilliant plan, but probably improbable.  There's just no way it'll go according to plan.

I had fun today, got some sun and now I'm going to relax.  My foot hurts, it's been a while since I've done that much walking.  My back doesn't hurt though so that's a good thing.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I got auto-post to work on Facebook and Twitter.  Now whenever I post a blog it'll post to both places.

I forgot my Tony picture in my last post.

I can't say it enough...

Honest to God I love Harry's Law so much.  Just don't know why.  Part of it is Kathy Bates the other part is the dude who plays Tommy Jefferson.  I dunno.  I just think it's a totally cool show.  I'm going to google the ratings to see how it's doing.  I'm sure though it will get cancelled.

So a couple of things have been happening with regards to NASCAR.  I mean no one can really complain about the race as ratings were up and it was really interesting.

First thing's first.  Looks like some media members cheered when Trevor Bayne won.  Some other media members did not appreciate that as they are supposed to be unbiased and objective observers of the event.  I understand the sentiment, but I see the other side of it too.  To me it seems that somewhere along the line you find that this is your investment, these journalists who only report on NASCAR, and when you see something that benefits your sport, your livelihood, you celebrate it.  Uncontrollably too.  I wasn't stoked Tony wasn't going to win the race but I couldn't help but be thrilled to see this kid, in his first Daytona 500, win the race.  He ran an exceptional race too.  So I could see where people might just get caught up in the moment and get caught celebrating what this means for the sport.  NOW!  The pressure is on for Trevor, just to remain true to himself, God and continue to grow and be successful.

The second thing is that Trevor said something to the effect that God was responsible for his win.  And man oh man did that trigger a backlash.  People all over the place saying that God had nothing to do with it.  (This actually is something I'm going to ask him about.)  Why people feel the need to shoot someone else's beliefs down is beyond me.  I don't know about God anymore, I don't do the church thing, I don't do religion, but I'm not going to second guess what that boy believes.  He believes that and if it gives him joy and comfort, then so be it.  Who am I to say he's wrong?  I'd like to see his response to those people.  I wonder how a 20 year old kid would handle that question.  Probably better than those people who had the nerve to say God had nothing to do with it.

Otherwise, vacation day tomorrow.  Going down to LA LIVE to see Trevor and do a Q&A session.  Riding the train down there.  Work is good.  Have lots to keep me busy.  Can't get my rater to work right, I'll have to have my boss look at it.  Obviously I'm not seeing it.  Otherwise, this weekend will hopefully be good.  Opening day for Kaylee is Sunday, race at noon, so I can do the parade and get home in time for the race.  Priorities, priorities.

Well I'm off for the night.  Had a little more commentary for today.  Hopefully you enjoyed it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Today, today, today.....

So I went to bed around midnight last night and forgot I have an alarm on my tab set for 5am, so it went off.  But in all reality that didn't matter, I was ready to get up.  So I just chilled for a while and then got up.

I went and saw Unknown today.  I guess I was expecting something more similar to Taken but I was disappointed.  It was a good movie, but I guess I biased myself expecting something like Taken.  He didn't go all super kick ass dude until the end of the movie.  So that was kind of lame.

Then I went over to mom's and just sat around.  Played with Kaylee and then had Annabelle sit on my lap. 

Didn't get anything else done today.  Should have done laundry and changed the cat littler.  That'll be my thing for tomorrow because Wednesday will be spent down at LA Live at the Trevor Bayne appearance.  I hope that's fun.  Would have liked Tony to have won the 500, but that kid did a good job on Sunday and deserves it.  I hope he continues to do well in the Nationwide Series and in his remaining Cup starts.  He has a new fan in me.  I like to see new talent come up through the ranks. 

So I guess that's all for now.  This isn't very exciting, I have no opinions for the day.  Hopefully in the coming posts I will have an opinion or two about things.  Maybe tomorrow I'll write a novel on something political or whatever.  The 500 was so good there's nothing to complain or argue about.  First time in a long time following a race where there hasn't been some sort of complaint.  Ratings were up, the coverage was as good as it was going to get, and the racing was great.  What more could you ask for?


I just think this funny.

Again this is not safe for work.

F*cked Her In Love

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starting my new blog...

I'm sure this won't be real interesting, but maybe someone will like it.  I'm going to post about life.  I'll post about my feelings, thoughts and hobbies.

I wonder if I can hook this up to post to Twitter?

So I think we will see a plethora of things here, from rantings about work to rantings about kids and finally most of all commentary on the current happenings in Nascar.

I look forward to doing this.